Frequently Asked Questions

Once you sign in to your CA Cloud Desk account, your dashboard will be the first screen you see, providing a snapshot of your latest activities and updates.

Your dashboard gives you access to service requests, document management, task tracking, financial summaries, and quick links to other important features.

Yes, pending tasks are prominently displayed on the dashboard for easy tracking.

Notifications are indicated by an alert symbol at the top of your dashboard; clicking on it will show you the latest updates.

Yes, recent service requests are shown on the dashboard, and you can click on them for more details.

Use the 'Create Documents' shortcut on the dashboard to start a new document with just one click.

No, Customization options are currently limited, but you can quickly navigate to your most-used features from the dashboard.


The dashboard displays real-time information so that you are always up to date.

If you have multiple profiles, you can switch between them using the 'Switch User' function on the dashboard.

Click on the 'Add Note' button on the dashboard to quickly jot down important information.

Yes, the financial section of the dashboard provides a summary of your recent invoices and payments.

You can access help or support by clicking the 'Help' or 'Feedback' icon on your dashboard.

Your dashboard is part of the secure CA Cloud Desk platform, which uses encryption and other security measures to protect your data.

Yes, any updates or new features will be communicated through your dashboard notifications.

To create a new service request, click the 'Add New Service Request' button on your dashboard, choose the desired service, fill in the required information, upload any necessary documents, and then click 'Submit' to complete the process.

Yes, you can save your service request to complete at a later time by clicking the 'Temporary Save' option

Upon successful submission, you will receive a confirmation notification, and the request will appear in your 'Saved Service Requests' section.

You can view your saved service requests under the 'Saved Service Requests' tab on your dashboard.

If the service request hasn't been processed yet, you may have the option to edit it. Please check with your tax professional for specific policies.

Your service request's progress can be tracked in the 'Service Requests' section, where you can see the status updated in real-time.

What happens if I submit incomplete information in my service request?

No. The ability to cancel a service request depends on how far along the process it is. Please contact your tax professional for assistance.

Notifications about your service request updates will be sent to you via the contact information provided in your profile, and they'll also appear in your dashboard notifications.

If you encounter an error, please try again later or contact customer support for assistance.

Yes, if the request has not been completed, you can still upload additional documents through the Document section or send an email to your tax professional.

The document upload feature is secure and confidential, ensuring that your information is only accessible by authorized personnel.

Yes, you will receive a digital confirmation for any successful payment, which you should save for your records.

If you accidentally delete a service request, contact customer support to see if it can be retrieved.

For urgent requests, please directly communicate with your tax professional to address the matter promptly.

 Core Services are essential services that tax professionals offer, such as auditing, tax filing, and bookkeeping, which are central to managing your financial and legal obligations.

 Descriptions can be found by clicking on the 'Description' button next to each service listed in the 'All Services' section.

The estimated turnaround time (TAT) for each service is listed under the service name.

Yes, the price range is provided along with each service in the 'All Services' section.

Non-Core Services are additional services offered by the tax professional that may not be essential but are available to cater to your broader business needs.

Click on the service you're interested in and follow the prompts to create a service request.

Absolutely, use the search bar in the 'All Services' section to find a specific service quickly.

Yes, services are updated regularly to reflect the latest offerings from your tax professional.

It’s good practice to review 'All Services' periodically, especially if you are anticipating upcoming financial or legal milestones that require professional assistance.

If you can't find a service, please contact us through the 'Feedback' section, and your tax professional will assist you personally.

We welcome suggestions! Please provide your feedback, and we will consider it for future updates.

 Response times may vary based on the complexity and demand for each service, regardless of whether they are 'Core' or 'Non-Core'.

It may depend on the efforts. The range provided gives you an estimate to help with financial planning.

After a service request is submitted, it will be reviewed by your tax professional, and you may be contacted to discuss further steps.

To cancel or modify a service request, please contact your tax professional as soon as possible to discuss any changes.

Once logged in, click on the 'Documents' tab on your dashboard. All documents shared by your tax professional will be listed there.

Yes, you can upload documents by clicking on the 'Click to Upload' button or by creating a new folder to organize your files.

You can upload various types of documents, including PDFs, Excel sheets, Word documents, and images like JPG or JPEG.

For the Personal Docs Vault, there is a limit of 1 GB total for uploaded files.

Documents uploaded in the Personal Docs Vault are not visible to your tax professional. They are private and secure.

Your documents are stored securely and are accessible only by you and, if you choose, by your tax professional for the ones outside the Personal Vault.

Yes, you can create folders to better organize your documents. You can use the '+ Folder' feature to do this.

Click on the 'Action' button next to the document or folder you want to rename and select the 'Rename' option.

 Once you delete a document, it is permanently removed from the CA Cloud Desk platform, so please ensure you have a backup before deleting any important files.

To share documents with your tax professional you can upload the documents in the document section

Yes, you can download documents by clicking on the 'Download' button next to the respective file.

Use the 'Search Documents...' bar at the top of the Documents section to find specific documents by name or content.

Premade folders include categories like Family Documents, Property Documents, Marksheet & Degrees, Licences, KYC Documents, and Health Documents.

After uploading a document, it will appear in your document list or inside the designated folder. Ensure that you receive a success notification upon upload.

The platform does not offer document editing features. You will need to download the document, edit it on your computer, and re-upload it if necessary.

Navigate to 'Create Documents', select the appropriate category, sub-category, and document type, enter a name for the document, and click 'Save'.

You can find all the documents you've created under the 'View Created Document' tab.

Yes, if you need to make changes, you can edit the document by navigating to the 'View Created Document' tab and selecting the edit option.

Clicking 'Reset' will clear all the fields and selections you've made, allowing you to start over.

The CA Cloud Desk provides a variety of templates. If you don't find one that fits your needs, you may need to create the document manually or request a new template.

After clicking 'Save', look for a confirmation message or check the 'View Created Document' tab to see if your document is listed.

Yes, go to the 'View Created Document' tab, find the document, and use the delete option.

Double-check that all required fields are filled correctly. If the problem persists, contact support for assistance.

Generally, you create documents for your own use. To create documents for others, you would need to be granted the appropriate permissions or access.

Yes, after creating a document, you can download it immediately from the 'View Created Document' tab.

The CA Cloud Desk takes security seriously, and all the information you enter is encrypted and stored securely.

Documents created using CA Cloud Desk templates are designed to be compliant for official use, but always double-check for any specific requirements.

Please report any template errors to the CA Cloud Desk support team, so they can make the necessary corrections.

The current system is designed for creating one document at a time for accuracy and better management.

The 'Switch User' feature allows you to switch between different profiles associated with your account, such as family members or various firms/companies you manage.

On your dashboard, click on the 'Switch User' option and then select the profile you wish to access.


Only the family administrator or the primary account holder has the ability to switch between user profiles.

No, switching profiles does not affect the running tasks or open documents of your current profile.

There is no limit; you can switch to any profile that is associated with your main account.

Adding a new profile typically requires administrative rights. Contact your Tax professional or administrator for assistance.


Open documents will Close. When you switch back to the original profile, you should find them.

No, changes made in one profile are specific to that profile only and do not affect other profiles.

 Yes, the 'Switch User' functionality is available on both the web and mobile app versions of the platform.

Ensure you have the correct permissions. If the issue persists, contact CA Cloud Desk support.

Custom settings and notifications are profile-specific, so switching profiles will present you with the settings of the selected profile.

For security purposes, it's not recommended to use the 'Switch User' feature on public or shared computers.

Each profile is password-protected and the ‘Switch User’ function requires the primary account holder's credentials, ensuring the privacy of each profile.

In the 'Make Payment' section, use the 'Select Mode Of Payment' dropdown to choose your preferred payment method.

The availability of payment options may vary. Please check the 'Select Mode Of Payment' dropdown for all current payment methods.

Check your payment details and try again. If the problem persists, contact your bank or your tax professional.


Our payment gateway uses industry-standard encryption and security protocols to ensure your payment is secure.

Take a screenshot of the payment confirmation page or forward the confirmation email to your tax professional.

Ensure the screenshot includes the date, amount, transaction ID, and any reference numbers.

Any applicable processing fees will be clearly indicated before you confirm your payment.

All completed transactions will be reflected in your ledger, accessible through the 'Ledger' section.

Currently, all payments are processed immediately. Future payment scheduling may be added in upcoming updates.

If there are any transaction limits, they will be indicated in the 'Make Payment' section.

Contact your tax professional immediately to resolve any issues with duplicate payments.

Payments cannot be canceled once processed. However, refunds can be arranged if necessary if fall under the refund policy.

From 1-15 days


Navigate to the 'Ledger' tab in your dashboard where you'll see all your transactions listed.

Yes, you have the option to download your ledger data in PDF or Excel formats.

 If you find any discrepancies or have queries about a transaction, you can click 'Report This Transaction' for clarification or correction.

1-15 days

Reports raised can be viewed in the 'View Reports' section of your ledger.

Yes, you can use the filter options to view transactions between specific dates and within a certain amount range.

The total outstanding amount is displayed prominently in the ledger for easy reference.

Yes, all transactions, including failed ones, are recorded for your tracking and reference.

Contact your tax professional for the same

Regularly review your ledger entries and report any inconsistencies immediately.

If there are any transaction limits, they will be indicated in the 'Make Payment' section.

 The ledger view is fixed to show all transactions for transparency and cannot be altered to hide entries.

You can download your ledger and compare it with your bank statements manually, or use financial software that can help automate the reconciliation.

Yes, each account or profile you manage will have its own ledger for financial transactions.

Immediately report the transaction using the 'Report This Transaction' function and contact customer support for further investigation.

The Billing Dashboard provides an overview of your financials, including pending invoices, paid invoices, outstanding amounts, and recent transactions.

To create a new invoice, go to the 'Invoice' tab, select 'Create Invoice', fill in the necessary details like customer information, services rendered, prices, and then issue the invoice to the client.

A Proforma Invoice is an initial bill of sale sent to buyers before a work is completed or a shipment is sent. Use it to declare the value of the transaction for customs and planning purposes.

 Payments received can be tracked under the 'Payments' tab where you can record, view, and manage the status of all payments.

 'View Ledger' allows you to see a detailed account of all financial transactions between your firm and the client, including invoices and payments.

To issue a Credit Note, navigate to the 'Credit Notes' section, select the invoice that needs to be credited, enter the amount, and any notes for your reference.

Debit Notes can be created in the 'Debit Notes' tab whenever there are returned goods or an invoice correction increasing the amount a client owes.


 Use the 'Opening Balance' tab to record the initial balance for a customer's account when starting to use this billing system or at the beginning of a financial period.


When customers report discrepancies in transactions, you can use the 'Reported Transactions' tab to review the transactions they believe are incorrect. This feature enables you to cross-verify the reported figures with your financial records and resolve any inconsistencies. It’s important to follow up with a thorough investigation to ensure accuracy and maintain trust in your billing practices.

Overdue payments can be managed by setting up reminders for customers and sending follow-up notices through the 'Payments' tab.


Our billing systems allow you to email invoices directly from the platform. Check the invoice creation page for this feature.

To cancel an invoice, you may have to void it or create a credit note for the full amount. Check your system's guidelines under the 'Invoice' section.

The system should be able to record various forms of payments such as cash, credit/debit card, bank transfers, UPI, and digital wallets.

Currently, customization of invoice templates is not available; however, you are provided with three predefined templates. You can select the one that best fits your requirement from the 'Invoice' section or under the settings options.

 In the Feedback section, rate the services using the star system and leave your remarks in the text field provided.

 Yes, by clicking 'View Feedback', you can see all the feedback you've previously submitted.

You can edit your feedback by navigating to 'View Feedback' and selecting the edit option next to the feedback you wish to change.

In 'View Feedback', click the delete icon next to the feedback entry you want to remove.

Feedback is typically associated with your account to ensure it is genuine and actionable, hence it is not anonymous.

We request that feedback remains constructive, professional, and relevant to the services provided.

Feedback is used to improve service quality and address any client concerns or suggestions.

For more detailed feedback, you may contact customer service directly via email.

Feedback is regularly reviewed by the team, and significant concerns are usually addressed promptly.

Yes, you can submit a star rating without written remarks if you prefer.

 Yes, your feedback will be accessible to your tax professional to inform them of your satisfaction level and any areas of improvement.

Simply go to 'View Feedback', find the incorrect entry, and use the edit function to correct it.

You can provide feedback after each service you receive or transaction you make.

Feedback is for service ratings; for specific complaints, it’s better to contact your tax professional directly.

No, feedback is for improving service quality. It should not negatively impact your future services.