Service Management

As a Chartered Accountancy professional, you offer a wide range of services for your users which becomes difficult to manage. While your firm offers 100s of services, it becomes a difficult situation to tell your customers about those services and simultaneously create Service requests, Invoices, and pricing for each service.

CA cloud Desk’s Service management module solves all of these issues.

How to view Services in your dashboard

To view Services, click on Services in your partner dashboard, and select My services. and you will be redirected to the below screen.

CA Cloud Desk offers a range of 14 core and over 220 non-core services, which you can enable for your internal team and for the customers, whenever you are offering these services to them.

To enable these services, first you will have to edit the services and set the pricing and other details, only then they will be enabled for your employees and customers.

To enable services

To enable any service (for example Audit), click on service and you will be redirected to the below screen 

Here you have to add all the details according to the service Such as TAT(Turn around time), Professional Fees(The fees that your company charges for this service), Govt Fees.

In the select Services section, you will have to add the small services included in the above service (For example in Audit you can include statutory Audit) and list the fees of every service for complete transparency.

To enable the service for Internal Purposes, click on Enabled in front of For US, and to Enable the service for Customers click Enabled in front of For Customer.

After you have added all the services you can click save to save this service.